Essay on global warming in 150 words

Global warming essay for students


Global warming is defined as the raising of Earth's temperature which causes changes in the climate. It is caused due to natural and man made activities.

Causes of global warming

Natural activities

1. The main reason is the presence of greenhouse gases such as CO2, nitrous oxide,  methane and CFC's (Choro fluorocarbon). The re-radiated Solar energy from the sun to the Earth surface is called greenhouse effect. This leads to increase in Earth's temperature. 
2. Volcanic eruption. 

Man made activities

1. Increase in transportation 

The gases such as carbon dioxide,  nitrous oxide,  nitrogen dioxide, etc released from the vehicles causes increase in the greenhouse gases. This leads to global warming.

2. Deforestation

It refers to the removal of forest area for land cultivation, urbanization, mining, timber extraction, etc. This causes soil erosion, flooding and increase of greenhouse gases. This also leads to loss of biodiversity. 

Prevention of global warming

1. Plant more trees
2. Follow the 3 R's - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. 
3. The use of plastic should be avoided. 
4. Instead of petrol and diesel vehicles, solar vehicles can be encouraged. 
5. Use environmental friendly products. 


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